Nutritional and lifestyle procedures to reduce symptoms associated with dysbiosis in women


Cleidedaia de Souza Ferreira
Leilane Tainara Tavares de Brito
Gisele Marques Albuquerque
Jallyne Nunes Vieira Jallyne Nunes Vieira
Rayanne de Araújo Torres


The main objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of food and nutritional education strategies on symptoms associated with intestinal dysbiosis in women. For the methodological search, a qualitative research approach was conducted, of the integrative literature review type. Data collection took place in scientific databases: LILACS and PUBMED. The results obtained suggest that food and nutritional education plays a crucial role in modulating the intestinal microbiota. Nutritional education strategies can provide women with information about how to choose foods rich in fiber, prebiotics and probiotics, which promote intestinal health. Nutritional guidance can help women avoid processed foods high in sugar and saturated fat, which are known to harm the microbiota. However, adopting a balanced and healthy diet, under the supervision of healthcare professionals, can be an effective tool in improving symptoms associated with intestinal dysbiosis in women.


Artigos Científicos
Biografia do Autor

Cleidedaia de Souza Ferreira

Leilane Tainara Tavares de Brito

Gisele Marques Albuquerque

Jallyne Nunes Vieira Jallyne Nunes Vieira

Rayanne de Araújo Torres