Index Copernicus


Indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2022: ICV 2022: 54.09

Indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2023: ICV 2023: 76.88

v. 6 n. 1 (2024): Fluxo Contínuo

Publicado: 2024-04-09

Organizational moral harassment: A revision of normative matrix (Inter) national

Anderson Henrique Vieira, Lívia Oliveira Almeida, Pedro Lucas Formiga de Almeida


Organizational and Work Psychology and its contribution to a cooperative in the highlands of Paraíba: An intersection between management and sustainability

Hermmeson Daniel Medeiros da Silva, Raimara Amaro de Freitas , Paulo Henrique Girão do Nascimento Pedrosa , Naiara Cavalcanti Diniz


The importance of small producers and their difficulty in accessing rural credit

José Gabriel Cavalcanti Dias, Felipe de Oliveira Lucena , Francisco Coura de Sousa Neto


Estimate of return on investment in solar energy in schools in Sergipe

Misael Santana Silva, Renata Souza Vieira , Yasmim Sales Oliveira , Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Impacts of clandestine sewage connections on drainage channels in Aracaju-SE

Laline Cristine Gomes de Araujo, Alan Matheus dos Santos Mota , Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior, Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Analysis of the micro-drainage infrastructure on an avenue in the city of Aracaju-SE

Sarah Rolemberg da Silva Ramos, Carla Suellen Alves Santos , Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior , Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Simulation of the use of rainwater in two schools in the public municipal education network in Aracaju-SE

Leandro de Assis Ferreira, Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Ana Paula Cardoso Melo Barreto, Maria Heloisa Santos de Souza, Sarah Rolemberg da Silva Ramos


Aggressive behaviors and oppositional defiant disorder: An analysis of the relationship between aggressive behaviors in childhood

Emilly Marques Sousa , Maria Aparecida Ferreira Menezes Suassuna, Fernanda Lúcia Pereira Costa, Hilana Maria Braga Fernandes Abreu


Nutritional and lifestyle procedures to reduce symptoms associated with dysbiosis in women

Cleidedaia de Souza Ferreira, Leilane Tainara Tavares de Brito, Gisele Marques Albuquerque, Jallyne Nunes Vieira Jallyne Nunes Vieira, Rayanne de Araújo Torres


Technology and sexual abuse - The role of technology in facilitating child and adolescent sexual abuse: A systematic review

Vitória Maria Cezário Quaresma, Maria Aparecida Ferreira Suassuna, Hilana Maria Braga Fernandes Abreu, Lúcia Maria Temóteo


The role of health surveillance in the face of self-medication in the context of Covid-19: A literature reviewha

Fernanda Abrantes de Oliveira, Ingrid Emanuelly Nogueira Ramalho, Marla Rodrigues Sarmento, Letícia Gabriel Furtado de Abrantes, Danielle Rocha Silva


Perception about female entrepreneuship and the representation of women accountants in Sousa-PB

Lourena de Oliveira Pordeus, Janaina Ferreira Marques de Melo, Cristiane Queiroz Reis


Correlation between waste generation, population and GDP of cities in Sergipe, Brazil

Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior, Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Eliglesia Maria Caldas dos Santos , Wanderson Lucas dos Santos Barros, Alejandro Luis Machado Hussain


Analysis of the cavitation phenomenon: A case study in the drainage channel of the Aruana neighborhood located in the city of Aracaju-SE

Ana Paula Cardoso Melo Barreto, Misael Santana Silva, Vitória Elisabeth de Oliveira Santos, Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Application of the SMAP monthly model to the Piauitinga river basin located in the State of Sergipe, Brazil

Ronaldo Guilherme Santos Lima, Ana Lara Araújo Santos, Hellen Karine Sales dos Santos , Izaias Rodrigues de Souza Neto , José Ítalo Porto Siqueira


Expansion analysis of urban microdrainage in Sergipe cities

Carolaine Santos Neris, Laline Cristine Gomes de Araujo, Zacarias Caetano Vieira


The essentiality of curricular environmental education in schools for the realization of the Right to Sustainability

Cecília Paranhos Santos Marcelino, Débora Emanuelle Soares de Sousa, Maria Vitória Gualberto da Silva, Salomão Laurentino Silva Medeiros


Anti-inflammatory effect of the Mediterranean diet in women with endometriosis: a literature review

Lara de Barros Amando Alencar, Ingridd Kallana Linhares de Oliveira , Bárbara Costa Paulino, Jallyne Nunes Vieira, Rayanne de Araújo Torres


Dietary strategies for reducing symptoms associated with endometriosis: a literature review

Fabia Regina Silva Cavalcante, Cicera Caline Pereira2 , Rayanne de Araújo Torres


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Ciências ambientais, Saúde Coletiva, Engenharia I, Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e Interdisciplinaridade