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18 Itens
Anti-inflammatory effect of the Mediterranean diet in women with endometriosis: a literature review
Lara de Barros Amando Alencar, Ingridd Kallana Linhares de Oliveira , Bárbara Costa Paulino, Jallyne Nunes Vieira, Rayanne de Araújo Torres
A saúde pública no Brasil: Uma análise acerca das ameaças sofridas pelo sistema único de saúde em face do direito constitucional
Luana de Oliveira Costa Cavalcante, Jônatas Cláudio Farias Maciel, Rosana Santos de Almeida, Ígor Kémpell Vieira Carvalho, José Antônio Hilário Lacerda Clementino
Aggressive behaviors and oppositional defiant disorder: An analysis of the relationship between aggressive behaviors in childhood
Emilly Marques Sousa , Maria Aparecida Ferreira Menezes Suassuna, Fernanda Lúcia Pereira Costa, Hilana Maria Braga Fernandes Abreu
Analysis of the scientific productions about companies, accounting information and sustainability in the pandemic context (Covid-19)
Jamilton Costa Pereira, Janayna Rodrigues de Morais Luz, Ângela Maria Cavalcanti Ramalho, Maria de Fátima Nóbrega Barbosa, Maria de Fátima Martins
Dietary strategies for reducing symptoms associated with endometriosis: a literature review
Fabia Regina Silva Cavalcante, Cicera Caline Pereira2 , Rayanne de Araújo Torres
Disposal of expired drugs and the perception of residents in the municipality of Pombal – PB
Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Rafael Fernandes de Andrade Nóbrega, Silvana Nóbrega de Andrade
Impact of the Irregular Disposal of Masks and the Perception of the Community of the Federal Institute of Sergipe, Campus Aracaju/SE
Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior, Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Laline Cristine Gomes de Araújo, Alan Matheus dos Santos Mota, Diego Fabrício Rodrigues Andrade
Labor Prosecution Office and social articulation: Analysis of PRT-13’s performance opposite to COVID-19
Anderson Candeia Porto, Jailton Macena de Araújo
Nutritional and lifestyle procedures to reduce symptoms associated with dysbiosis in women
Cleidedaia de Souza Ferreira, Leilane Tainara Tavares de Brito, Gisele Marques Albuquerque, Jallyne Nunes Vieira Jallyne Nunes Vieira, Rayanne de Araújo Torres
Políticas públicas de saúde e gestão
Raimundo Nonato de Siqueira Neto
Redes de atenção à saúde: Revisão e perspectivas
Ermeson Morais dos Santos, Bárbara Carla Alves Câncido, Iocaiama Rodrigues de Vasconcelos Dantas, Sérgia Landara Bezerra Soares, Ariana Fernandes da Silva
Reforma psiquiátrica no Brasil e a inserção do serviço social na saúde mental
Iocaiama R. de V. Dantas, Naedja Pereira Barroso, Ermeson Morais dos Santos, Bárbara Carla Alves Candido, Sérgia Landara Bezerra Soares
Social Protection in the health and humanitarian crisis of COVID-19 in the artisanal fishing territories at Resex Acaú-Goiana, Paraíba, Pernambuco - BRAZIL
Patrícia Albuquerque Medeiros, Pablo Henrique do Nascimento Vasconcelos, Emanuel Luiz Pereira da Silva
Street animals and One Health: Opportunities as a response to Cosean solutions
Ariadne Pereira Pedroza, Isabel Lausanne Fontgalland
Technology and sexual abuse - The role of technology in facilitating child and adolescent sexual abuse: A systematic review
Vitória Maria Cezário Quaresma, Maria Aparecida Ferreira Suassuna, Hilana Maria Braga Fernandes Abreu, Lúcia Maria Temóteo
The nutrition right in Brazil: An analysis of state inefficiency in the coronavirus pandemic contexto
Lorena Araújo Rolim Moreira, Valderi Igor Querino de Souza
The relationship between electronic cigarettes and potentially malignant lesions in the oral cavity: an integrative literature review
Alan Rolim Pedrosa, Mirele Rayany Lira Monteiro, Cláudia Batista Vieira de Lima
The role of health surveillance in the face of self-medication in the context of Covid-19: A literature reviewha
Fernanda Abrantes de Oliveira, Ingrid Emanuelly Nogueira Ramalho, Marla Rodrigues Sarmento, Letícia Gabriel Furtado de Abrantes, Danielle Rocha Silva