Street animals and One Health: Opportunities as a response to Cosean solutions
The Coase Theorem emphasizes negotiation and voluntary interactions between the involved parties (government and society) in the face of externalities. It suggests that, under certain conditions, parties can reach an agreement leading to an efficient allocation of resources, regardless of who holds the property rights or, in this case, the responsibility. Thus, the main objective of this study is to investigate and present Coasean solutions as an effective response to addressing the issue of stray animals, promoting the health and well-being of these animals in an integrated manner with public health and the environment. To achieve this goal, this research adopted a qualitative, documentary, and bibliographic methodology, combined with the analysis of DataSus data along with a literature review on One Health, Coasean solutions, and approaches to the stray animal problems. The results demonstrated that the opportunities for Coasean responses are vast and promising. However, collaboration among the government, the population, businesses, and NGOs is the key to a sustainable resolution of the negative externalities generated by stray animals. By understanding One Health as an integrated approach, we can not only improve the quality of life for these animals but also promote public health, mitigate environmental impacts, and build a more aware and compassionate society.
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