Analysis of the role of education in tackling violence against women

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Jessica Ruana Lima Mendes


This article aims to analyze the role of education in building and directing actions and methods to combat violence against women at different levels and in different spaces. This approach is extremely important, given the incidence of domestic and intra-family violence against women in the country, in different spaces and contexts. It reflects the need for changes in social dynamics, especially in the field of education, in the search for transformation and the construction of an awareness and conduct based on gender equality, the observance of fundamental human rights, as well as the creation of instruments to prevent and confront violent and oppressive acts against women. The problem is: What is the role of education in combating domestic and family violence against women? Based on a bibliographical study, it is concluded that projects, programs and studies focused on gender identity and equity, and their roles in society, the consolidation of human rights, violations and their consequences, are indispensable and crucial in school and academic contexts, in order to build a new culture, values and understanding of the world.

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Scientific articles
Author Biography

Jessica Ruana Lima Mendes