Publicado: 2022-03-04

Analysis of Strategic Logistics Tools in a Beverage Distributor

Ana Isabelle Gomes Lopes, Ellen Letícia Gonçalves Andrade, Valéria Pereira de Meneses


Disposal of expired drugs and the perception of residents in the municipality of Pombal – PB

Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Rafael Fernandes de Andrade Nóbrega, Silvana Nóbrega de Andrade


Comparative analysis on the economic sustainability of the social rate for basic sanitation in Sousa-PB, 2021

Olga Pereira Holanda, Maria Letícia Silva Rodrigues, Vinícius de Brito Medeiros, Paulo Abrantes de Oliveira


Analysis of the scientific productions about companies, accounting information and sustainability in the pandemic context (Covid-19)

Jamilton Costa Pereira, Janayna Rodrigues de Morais Luz, Ângela Maria Cavalcanti Ramalho, Maria de Fátima Nóbrega Barbosa, Maria de Fátima Martins
