Publicado: 2023-06-05

Disclosures Economic and Environmental: A case study about Suzano

Elisabete de Farias Sousa Oliveira, Isabel Lausanne Fontgalland


A Study on the Disclosure of Environmental Information of the Company Vale S.A.

Renata dos Santos Queiroga , Cristiane Queiroz Reis, Janaína Ferreira Marques de Melo


Employees' Perception of Public Purchases at the Federal University of Campina Grande in State of Paraíba

Guayra Afonso Querino Alves, José Ribamar Marques de Carvalho, Enyedja Kerlly Martins de Araújo


Use of Geotechnologies in Mapping Grants in the Piancó/PB Hydrological Planning Unit in Years 2021 - 2024

Maria Aparecida Bezerra Oliveira, Guilherme Wesley Alves de Souza, Daniela Vieira de Melo, José Vandertônio dos Santos, David Limeira Mascarenhas


Financial comparison of sewage treatment and disposal systems in rural areas

Juliany Souza Palmeira, Carla Suellen Alves Santos, Leandro de Assis Ferreira, Ortelina Maiara Farias Ferreira Dantas, Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Simulation of the use of rainwater for car washing at a dealership in Aracaju/SE

Ortelina Maiara Farias Ferreira Dantas, Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior, Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Eliglésia Maria Caldas dos Santos, Débora Fernanda Santos de Jesus


The Electric Energy Production Models and Diversification of Brazilian Energy Matrix

Anderson Ítalo Freire, Antônio Lopes da Silva, João José de Melo Neto, Isabel Lausanne Fontgalland


Police abuse in the State of Paraíba and human dignity in local journalism

Paulo Henriques da Fonseca, Erivânia Bezerra da Silva, Herbert Ryan Rodrigues dos Santos, Naomí Menezes Pegado, Penélope Rafaela Josué Dias


Binding precedents and three-dimensional theory of right: An analysis of fundamental rights how legal values

Bruna Érica Dantas Pereira Diógenes, Lívia Oliveira Almeida , Maria Fernanda Dantas Pereira, Paulo Henriques da Fonseca, Pedro Lucas Formiga de Almeida


Infiltration well as compensatory measure of urban drainage: A financial analysis

Leandro de Assis Ferreira, Carla Suellen Alves Santos, Larissa Maria da Cunha Lima, Sarah Rolemberg da Silva Ramos, Zacarias Caetano Vieira


Water quality from artesian wells in the northeastern semi-arid region: A literature review

Dennise Cristyne da Silveira Sarmento, Maria Suyane dos Santos, Vívian Pinheiro Rocha, Elysson Marcks Gonçalves Andrade


A study on scientific production published in accounting journals in Brazil

Caio Matheus de Medeiros, Isabel Lausanne Fontgalland, Janayna Rodrigues de Morais Luz, Kaline de Paci Nunes, Emerson Gonzaga da Silva


Impact of the Irregular Disposal of Masks and the Perception of the Community of the Federal Institute of Sergipe, Campus Aracaju/SE

Carlos Gomes da Silva Júnior, Zacarias Caetano Vieira, Laline Cristine Gomes de Araújo, Alan Matheus dos Santos Mota, Diego Fabrício Rodrigues Andrade
